Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back in the groove

So I've been pretty quiet the last few days...sorry...sometimes life happens and I just dont have time to put anything down on "paper".  Its been a whirlwind of feelings, emotions, thoughts, activity, work, and oh gosh....everything.  So...I'll try to briefly update ya!

I have been attending OA meetings online and have found a sponsor to work with.  It has really become evident to me that my thoughts and feelings are what gets me in trouble and I use food as a way to cope rather than use other tools, that I have had for years, but always just used those tools in regards to my recovery from alcoholism.  I am 14 days into my abstinence and I have to say that it has only been in the last couple of days that my head has not been focused on food all day long!  Now I know that OA is not the way for everyone and I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you HAVE to use OA to recover from compulsive overeating and/or food addiction, but this is what is working for me.  I am finding some of the "why's" that explain my food behavior and I'm grateful for that.  To date, I have lost 4 pounds in the last 14 days.

I've had lots of changes happening at work and have had a huge, did I say HUGE, success at work on a project that I have been developing for the last 3 years.  Almost feels like I have birthed a baby....its been a long time in the "baking" and when things finally fell into place and happened last week, the sense of accomplishment was incredible.  With the first success under my belt, I'm already looking at #2.  <No, I'm not going to go into great detail here as I dont want to jeopardize my job, but those of you who know what I have been working on know how big this is to me and ultimately to those who's lives are impacted by this project.  Those of you who don't know...let me just say that I get to be on the ground floor of a program that is making a tremendous impact in the lives of others and it is ALL GOOD!!>

Kids are all doing well.  My son who was in the accident has one more surgery this week to remove the rest of the plastic tubing that is hanging out of him.  Talk about major miracle!!  We are so grateful to God for the miracle of his recovery.  Other kids are doing well and we are on the brink of a couple of major birthdays.  One grandbaby will be 2 on Thanksgiving Day and another will be 1 on December 28th.  God I love being a Nana!

Ok...gonna go.  Have been dealing with some major hip/back pain lately and am trying to take better care of myself.  There are things on the brink over the next few weeks that may be life changers, so if you are so inclined, please keep me in positive thought.

Thought I would also just publish a quick yummo recipe every now and then so you see what I do at times.  This is a protein shake that was inspired by a latte I got when I was traveling with Ray last summer.

Kyle's Huckelberry Heaven Protein Shake
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
2 oz SF white chocolate syrup
2 oz SF salted caramel syrup
3 oz SF huckelberry syrup

Shake like crazy and pour over ice.  MMMMMMMM.....syrup amounts can vary depending on your own taste. all be good to eachother...and yourselves.

Monday, September 2, 2013


So, I had a great weekend...did you?  I got to go to Tucson and spend time with some fellowship friends and be of service.  It is one of the things that I am so grateful that I "get" to do now days.  If I were drinking, drugging, or otherwise engaging in massively horrible things, I wouldn't be alive to "get" to do this stuff....hence why I love that I "get" to do these trips and spend time being of service to others.

Got home on Sunday evening, tired and tired could be.  Got something to eat and went to bed.  Woke up this morning and BAM...FOOD ADDICTION IN MY FACE!.  Wow!  I thought about the "sneaky eating" I did over the weekend and all the trigger foods I have in my house and head about exploded!  I just joined (was invited by a sweet friend who is just the best) a facebook group that is forming that is full of food addicted folks who are involved with OA (Overeaters Anonymous).  Now, I have done OA in the past and I guess i wasnt ready cause all I heard was "dont eat this and dont eat that" and I said "dont need you" and left.  (Several years ago!).  However, today...I need help.  I am facing some stuff that I never thought I would ever be able to face.  Maybe it is because I now am trusting in God like never before...cause I cannot do this without his help!

So...what have I done?  I have thrown out what I know is my trigger foods.  I have attended 1 OA online meeting and will be attending another soon.  I emailed the online group's intergroup and requested a sponsor list.  I have ordered the OA literature (They have some of their own and they use AA literature as well, which I have).  I know how this works from the AA standpoint....but I know that I cannot do this on my own.  So....I have less than 24 hours of abstinence.  I'm scared as hell!
